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1Dissanayake K.D.K.K., 1,2 Rifky A.L.M., 1 Nurmukhamedov K.S., 3 Samadiy M.A.


Myoglobin, a protein present in muscle tissues, plays a pivotal role in determining the color of meat products, ranging from red to brown. The interplay between myoglobin and color transformation is a crucial consideration for producers, as consumer perception and acceptability are closely tied to the appearance of meat products.

Freshness of the meat is a key factor influencing myoglobin levels, with fresher meat displaying a more vibrant red color, signifying quality and freshness to consumers. However, as meat undergoes processes like grinding and mixing, myoglobin can be exposed to oxygen, leading to undesirable color changes. Producers can manipulate color through the use of additives like nitrites, which react with myoglobin to maintain a desirable pink hue.

Furthermore, packaging and storage conditions also play a role in color preservation. Techniques such as vacuum packaging and modified atmosphere packaging reduce oxygen exposure, helping to retain the red color. Consumer preferences regarding meat color vary, with some favoring bright red hues as a sign of freshness, while others prefer deeper brown colors for enhanced flavor.

To ensure consistent color in chicken sausages, manufacturers must implement rigorous quality control measures, including monitoring myoglobin levels, adjusting ingredient formulations, and optimizing processing and packaging techniques. Additionally, compliance with regulatory standards governing the use of additives and colorants is essential.

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How to Cite
1Dissanayake K.D.K.K., 1,2 Rifky A.L.M., 1 Nurmukhamedov K.S., 3 Samadiy M.A. (2024). THE IMPACT OF MYOGLOBIN LEVELS ON THE COLOR OF CHICKEN SAUSAGE. Uz-Conferences, 1(1), 424–427. Retrieved from


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