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Negmatov S.S
Bozorov A.N.,
Erniyozov N.B.,
Ernazarov M.,
Subanova Z.A.


All over the world, there is an increased interest in research that allows you to create energy-saving and environmentally sound technologies for the disposal and processing of industrial waste, since natural resources are depleted, and the level of man-made pollution has long exceeded all permissible standards. Man-made wastes, being complex composite formations in composition, contain non-ferrous and rare metals in concentrations of industrial interest, and in some cases exceeding their content in ores. Of the various man-made wastes, the wastes of the metallurgy enterprises of non-ferrous and rare metals are of particular interest

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How to Cite
Negmatov S.S, Bozorov A.N., Erniyozov N.B., Ernazarov M., & Subanova Z.A. (2024). SORPTION METHOD OF PROCESSING MOLYBDENUM-CONTAINING. Uz-Conferences, 32. Retrieved from


Bozorov A., Abed N., Kamalov T., & Negmatov J. (2023). Research of Technology of Processing Man-Made Waste of Molybdenum Production. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 449, p. 06010). EDP Sciences.

Bozorov A. N., Negmatov S. S., Erniyozov N. B., Subanova Z. A., & Sultonova I. Q. (2023). Investigation of the sorption method of processing molybdenum-containing raw materials to extract rare metals. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 401, p. 03045). EDP Sciences.

Бозоров Аминжон Нуриллоевич, & Сафаров Азамат Расул Угли (2021). Гидрометаллургическая переработка молибденсодержащего сырья и отходов молибденового производства. Труды Кольского научного центра РАН, 12 (2 (5)), 26-29. DOI:10.37614/2307-5252.2021.2.5.006.

Bozorov A. N., Mikhridinov R.M., Negmatov S.S., Sharipov Kh.T. The Influence of Different Processing Parameters on the Properties of Molybdenum Powder. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (India). Vol. 7, Issue 6, June 2020, рр 14087-14089.

С.С. Негматов, К.С. Негматова, М.Э. Икрамова, А.Н. Бозоров. Физико-химические методы анализа исходных сорбентов и их комплексов с йодом. «Композиционные материалы», Ташкент, 2020, №2, -С.177-182.