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Turakhujaeva A.N.


When melting aluminum alloys, degassing the melt in a periodic mode is most effective. But furnaces operating in batch mode have a low efficiency, which leads to an increase in production costs. Therefore, for processing the liquid melt, a combined version of continuous remelting and periodic degassing treatment is proposed. In production conditions, processing of the liquid melt after remelting in crucible furnaces was used. Although the quality of the resulting melt became higher, this had a negative impact on the cost of production. Recently, processing of the melt after remelting in gas furnaces has become more common [1]. To ensure the efficiency of the process, processing is carried out in batches in a periodic manner. For this purpose, a liquid melt accumulator is used, which also serves for degassing. Figure 1 shows a diagram of a gas furnace that allows the melt to be processed by periodic degassing

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How to Cite
Turakhujaeva A.N., & J.Radulovich. (2024). IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF ALUMINUM ALLOYS. Uz-Conferences, 4. Retrieved from


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