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Ilana Jessica Porter U.M.Qutlimurodov


On 12.11.2015 a "Loan Agreement" was signed between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Loan 3275-UZB) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for the implementation of the "Development of Sewerage System in Jizzakh City" project. The above-mentioned project will provide improved wastewater services to 85,000 people in the city of Jizzakh, as well as the nearby district center Uchtepa, and will create conditions for improving the environment, public health and expanding opportunities for socio-economic development of the region. As part of the loan agreement in 2018-2023, construction and installation work for the wastewater treatment plant was performed in the Sh. Rashidovsky district and the Uchtepa plant was commissioned in January 2023.  This project also provides for the construction of 53.5 km of sewer networks, cleaning the existing 9.5 km sewer network and reconstruction of  3 existing sewage pumping stations in the city. 

     This article presents the results of scientific research on the analysis of wastewater discharged by industrial enterprises in Jizzakh and presents scientific and technical proposals, having an innovative nature on the problems of their solutions that currently arise in the work of the wastewater treatment plant.  For the uninterrupted and normal use of the capacity of the treatment plant, it is necessary to bring the composition of wastewater discharged by all enterprises of the city into line with the standards.

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How to Cite
Ilana Jessica Porter U.M.Qutlimurodov. (2024). IMPROVEMENT OF JIZZAKH CITY WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT OPERATION. Uz-Conferences, 2, 833–844. Retrieved from